Coral Dreams

by Patrick Reiner
Coral Dreams
Patrick Reiner
Digital Art - Midjourney & Photoshop
“Coral Dreams,” a poem:
In the depths, cradled in blue,
A mermaid sleeps, her rest so true.
Tucked away, in a watery bight,
She dreams in peace, out of sight.
Orange tresses, in sea's embrace,
Weave with kelp, a tender lace.
All around, bubbles in flight,
They dance like stars, in the night.
Within in her heart, a human song,
A yearning where she might belong.
In coral dreams, she's a maiden fair,
Walking on land, with wind in her hair.
Her heart’s a rhythm of joyful beats,
Feeling soft grass beneath her feet.
She climbs the hills to touch the sky,
Where the sun shines bright, and eagles fly.
Yet, as dawn begins to glow,
Back to the sea her dreams must go.
Awake, she giggles, with a shake of her head,
"Land's fun in dreams, but…”
“I’ll keep my sea life instead!”
January 7th, 2024