Steps Beyond Reality

by Patrick Reiner
Steps Beyond Reality
Patrick Reiner
Digital Art - Midjourney & Photoshop
"Steps Beyond Reality," a collaborative endeavor with @yourfavouriteprotagonist (on Instagram), melds terrestrial beauty with otherworldly marvels.
At the artwork's core, a poised woman represents humanity's perpetual quest for deeper understanding. As she stands on ancient steps, it's as if she's at the threshold of two worlds: one grounded in earthly knowledge, and another containing the infinite wisdom of the cosmos and spiritual realms.
Before her rises a formidable stone pyramid, mirroring the grandeur of the Great Pyramid of Giza, intriguingly shadowed by an ethereal counterpart. Above, a watchful eye symbolizes universal consciousness. Together, they encapsulate the very essence of the artwork's title, suggesting a path from the known to the uncharted.
"Steps Beyond Reality" challenges viewers to ascend their personal steps of understanding, and to explore the vast universe within their own being.
August 28th, 2023