Temporal Roots

by Patrick Reiner
Temporal Roots
Patrick Reiner
Digital Art - Midjourney & Photoshop
"Temporal Roots,” a collaborative endeavor with @mikey_in_vegas (on Instagram), is a serene meditation on the ties that bind us to the past as we stand at the brink of an unknown future.
A timeless tranquility envelops the scene in which a woman, garbed in a pristine white dress, stands poised atop a staircase. She gazes, with a mixture of wonder and contemplation, through a vast circular window that commands the space.
It frames a magnificent tree, impossibly white and luminous. Its robust roots anchor themselves to the base of the frame, serving as a metaphor for our own roots in history, memory, and moments that have shaped our being. Yet, defying expectation, the tree seems to hover, its vast canopy barely brushing the window's upper boundary, creating a stark juxtaposition between the grounded past and the weightless potential of the future.
"Temporal Roots" invites introspection. It beckons viewers to reflect on their own journey through time, to recognize the strength of their origins, and to ponder the limitless possibilities of what lies ahead.
September 14th, 2023