Wrath of the Dark Angel

by Patrick Reiner
Wrath of the Dark Angel
Patrick Reiner
Digital Art - Midjourney & Photoshop
“Wrath of the Dark Angel” stands as the third act in a quartet of artworks celebrating Halloween 2023.
A dark angel descends, her presence a symphony of transcendent beauty and otherworldly power. She lands effortlessly upon a raised platform smoldering with embers.
Her majestic wings remain grandly unfurled as she is poised on the brink of battle. Her eyes, ablaze with fearlessness, mirror the divine luminescence of her sword. This is her weapon, yes, but also her promise — to unleash a storm of wrath upon the encroaching darkness, a fury they will struggle to imagine.
Above and behind, the sky radiates the divine might of heaven itself, standing in allegiance with her, lending its valor to her cause. Around her, indistinct soldiers — mere shadows caught in her periphery — move with a rhythm born of chaos. They are swept along in a dance they do not understand, about to be consumed by her untamed ferocity.
"Wrath of the Dark Angel" invites us to pause and bear witness — to stand in reverent awe before a celestial champion.
December 5th, 2023